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Thai traditional massage called "the world's most pleasant massage". Its own rhythm sounds slowly to the core of the body. It stimulates the energy line called sen, relaxes the muscles of the whole body with a unique stretch, restores pain and chronically accumulated fatigue and gives the whole body vitality. Contents of treatment Unravel all the body from the tip of the foot to the head. In addition to Shiatsu plus the characteristic stretch that contains elements of yoga to comfortably extend



Treatment is given with oil warmed up wrapped in fragrance of aroma and heart and soul. Using the carefully selected oil, along the energy line, arrange the lymphatic flow that stagnated, leading to a superb relaxation with delicate touch. Using aroma 【essential oil】 and carefully selected oil (Golden jojoba oil), I will unravel firmly the lymph and stiffness along the body muscle with all hands. Contents of treatment Footsteps ~ Whole body Please be assured we will fit each individual's body.



We treat the body with warmly steamed herbs of ten kinds. Warm the muscles with herbs and thermal effects, extract the cori and extract from the skin thermal effect will be enhanced, promoting metabolism and promoting circulation. In Thailand it has been used for a long time and recipe is a traditional recipe. It is widely used as turmeric and ginger, as well as materials for poultice and edible (medicine). We use the highest quality guaranteed by the Thai government. During the operation the ar



Aroma dry head spa is a head massage that you can use easily without getting wet hair. As for the head, the whole body is concentrating just like the sole of the foot. Stiff shoulder stiffness and eye fatigue Other leading to improvement of various symptoms. Please feel the comfort of being shaken by the waves. Use the blended aroma, you will feel the best feeling like awakens clearly like after washing your hair. Contents of treatment Head ~ Shoulders



Thai style reflexology treats the reflex of the soles and points as well as stimulation as well as knees. It is effective for swelling and slack legs. Activate each organ by stimulating the reflective area, at the same time promote blood circulation, increase metabolism, promote excretion of waste products. It is drawing attention to improving immunity and natural healing power. Contents of treatment I will treat from the sole to the knee.

Harbal Hotmist Spa

Harbal Hotmist Spa

It is perfect for resetting the body that metabolism worsened due to lack of exercise and disturbance of eating habits. Combined with massage will improve the effect. I use Thai herbs.

AsianRelaxation Yachai Chura Onnason

アジアンリラクゼーション ヤーチャイ美ら恩納村店

706-5-403 Seragaki, Onna-son, Kunigamigun, Okinawa JAPAN沖縄県国頭郡恩納村瀬良垣706-5-403号

TEL  098-966-2775

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